{Don't forget to check out the How-To Section for Decision -making tid bits! }
I am a Christian who was saved by the amazing grace given to me through my Savior dying on the cross for my sins and for that I am soo grateful. I live to tell others about this amazing gift and love of Jesus Christ. When I was in college I had gotten involved with an organization called Campus Crusade for Christ. As I was nearing the end of my Senior year, I felt a sense that I should take my love and passion for Christ along with my love of and skills in communication and make it my career.
Which leads me to my present. I currently serve in Orlando, FL at Campus Crusade for Christ World Headquarters as a one year intern. I am able to take my skills in communication and social media and passion for seeing others come to know Christ and witness great things happen through Christ working through me! I'm sure you'll hear more about my job later by that's the brief version.
The future. Oh yes, the future. My fiance and I are preparing to join full time staff and with that comes options. We definitely are not short of options here at Campus Crusade for Christ which is great, but how do you determine where and how. As we trek through this adventure together I will let you know how the process is going and what worked and didn't.
{Leave a comment on what works and doesn't work for you when making decisions as a couple}
Here are some of the things we have found vital when making decisions as a couple:
HOW-TO: Make Decisions without a Fight.
2. Replace "You" statements with "I": This has been a HUGE help in our relationship! I have found that whenever I am feeling a certain way about a situation the word you feels like the world's biggest finger being pointed at me and most likely your partner feels the same. Don't start out with "Well you always want to do x" but instead say "I am feeling like this is an issue between us that WE need to work out". The blame went from your partner to you both wanting to grow in your relationship. Try it out for a week, it will be a blessing to your relationship!
3. Prayer: Commit to praying about your situation daily.
4. Seeking Godly Counsel: Ask others around you who are removed from the situation that are able to give different insights. Don't just go up to anyone but rather someone who's counsel and advice you'd actually trust and listen to.
5. The Bible: For those of you that seem like I am being "uber religous" by suggesting prayer and reading of a Bible, try it. I have found great comfort, peace and advice from being able to spend time in my Bible and praying. It helps me to approach situations in a new way. However, avoid opening it up and reading one verse out of context that is not the best approach.
6. Logic: At some point logic comes into play. This is also a great thing to consider. What makes sense, what is in place already are great questions to answer and consider when making decisions.
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