Make plans to meet up with your girls this week. It's spring so don't just do the typical movie or shopping. Go to a tea room and have a fun. Dress up in sundresses, eat little sandwiches and most importantly connect with your ladies (sans cell phone).
Day 10: Spring is Here {Part 2} : Garden Party-Girl Time
Make plans to meet up with your girls this week. It's spring so don't just do the typical movie or shopping. Go to a tea room and have a fun. Dress up in sundresses, eat little sandwiches and most importantly connect with your ladies (sans cell phone).
Day 9: Spring is Here {Part 1}: Let's have a picnic!
For you and your lovey. I stumbled upon this inspiration from LaBelle Bride which was my inspiration for this day's challenge. Who doesn't love a picnic!
{Today: Take an afternoon picnic or make it a late night under the stars}
Day 8: The $10 Date Secret
When we started dating and even now, our funds were limited! We wanted to got out but didn't want to spend a lot of money. We didn't need the bottle of champagne and roses. As a girly girl I wanted my chance to dress up, and go out with my love. This is one of the ways we did that.
Here is our secret recipe to the $10 Date.
1 Dollar Theater1 Trip to Ollies Bargain Outlet for snacks (you can get a bag of M&Ms for like a dollar and I mean a big bag!)-approx. $2
2 Dollar Theater movie tickets-approx. $2
Dinner for two at Chick-fil-a (Extra savings: Get a coupon for a free sandwich or make it an early date and take advantage of Free Fry Friday from 2-4 when they have them) -$6 (trust me it's possible; just get crafty :) - we used free Chick-fil-a sandwich cards we received from them. )
This is a great date anytime of the year but especially nice when you're getting sick of being cooped up before Spring actually arrives in the north!
Day 7 of the 30: He is jealous for me
{CONFESSION} I want that; a man in my life that is so deeply in love with me that he is jealous of anything that would took up my time that wasn't involving him. Now, one would argue that that would have the making of a n extremely unhealthy relationship. You know, the kind they make a Lifetime movie of? But I'm talking about a healthy one.
You see when I began dating at the age of 15 I was disillusioned by multiple Disney fairy tales and those horridly cheesy romantic comedies. I was convinced that if the guy was the one for me that I wouldn't spend my time thinking of anyone or anything else. I would spend days doodling in my notebook our names in different fonts. The whole shebang! When I began dating my now soon-to-be husband this idea became a reality I spent my time thinking about him and how much I love him and how wonderful he was and what little things I wanted to do to show my affection. After we were engaged my focus added in a second element; wedding! All of a sudden I felt my life spinning out of focus like when a movie is about to go into a flashback. Where was my mind, my thoughts, my heart? Where did I place my hope?
I realized I had begun to lose my first love, my Savior, Redeemer, Friend Jesus Christ. Someone who loved me enough to die for me, not knowing if I'd accept His love or not. Someone who no matter if I burnt a casserole, missed an appointment, forgot to call still would answer with "I love you" and a hug and not even my future husband can hold a candle to Him. While I love my soon-to-be, I know that he isn't perfect and he will let me down but my hope is in the one who will NEVER leave me, discourage me or tell me I messed up. His love never changes. He is jealous for me, for my time and for my life.
{ENCOURAGE}Where is your focus today? Take some time today like I did to reflect on where your hope lies. Gain a little perspective on your "not so perfect soon to be". It will only make you love him more. I know today was rough, it was rough for me too!
You see when I began dating at the age of 15 I was disillusioned by multiple Disney fairy tales and those horridly cheesy romantic comedies. I was convinced that if the guy was the one for me that I wouldn't spend my time thinking of anyone or anything else. I would spend days doodling in my notebook our names in different fonts. The whole shebang! When I began dating my now soon-to-be husband this idea became a reality I spent my time thinking about him and how much I love him and how wonderful he was and what little things I wanted to do to show my affection. After we were engaged my focus added in a second element; wedding! All of a sudden I felt my life spinning out of focus like when a movie is about to go into a flashback. Where was my mind, my thoughts, my heart? Where did I place my hope?
I realized I had begun to lose my first love, my Savior, Redeemer, Friend Jesus Christ. Someone who loved me enough to die for me, not knowing if I'd accept His love or not. Someone who no matter if I burnt a casserole, missed an appointment, forgot to call still would answer with "I love you" and a hug and not even my future husband can hold a candle to Him. While I love my soon-to-be, I know that he isn't perfect and he will let me down but my hope is in the one who will NEVER leave me, discourage me or tell me I messed up. His love never changes. He is jealous for me, for my time and for my life.
{ENCOURAGE}Where is your focus today? Take some time today like I did to reflect on where your hope lies. Gain a little perspective on your "not so perfect soon to be". It will only make you love him more. I know today was rough, it was rough for me too!
I'll leave you with a song XOXO
30 Day Challenge 6+:"Why did I say that?!"
"Love means never having to say you're sorry". I used to love that quote, until I realized that it's not very practical. It became popular after the 1970's movie Love Story. However, I'm pretty sure the person who first penned this overly optimistic was completely missing out on one important aspect of love; forgiveness, which comes after sorry.
{CONFESSION)There is a time in every relationship where one asks "Why did I say that?". Whether it was in the heat of an argument, not having a filter for your tongue or just simply because you felt it needed to be said it happens. Don't beat yourself up over it. However, you do need to *gulp* recognize it and say those words that are the hardest to ever cross my lips! I know I am definitely not the one that humbles myself enough to say it and for that I hurt my relationship. I'm to proud to say "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said/done that" and I will admit that to all my readers.
{ENCOURAGE & CHALLENGE} I am spending a few days reflecting and asking my self "Why did I say that?" and "I am sorry". I invite you to join me. I know our relationships can benefit from a few more "I'm sorry"s.
{INSPIRE}"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." - 1 Corinthians 13: 7
leave a comment and let me know if you joined me and I will reward with some lovely wedding inspiration next time
30 days,
30 Day Challenge: Day 5
Seeking advice from a third party:
Choose to get advice on your future, your marriage, and decisions from sources outside of your family. Your family will be partial, (and to be honest, you will be too. We all want our own way.) even if they try not to be because they love you and want the best for you. While we love that they want to be involved, and do value their opinion we really make it a priority to get advice from those who are outside of the situation and may be able to give us a different perspective. It's refreshing, enlightening, and definitely a great step to take when you have to decide on "the big stuff".
{So look for those around you who may be those "extra advisors" in your life and be praying that God would lead you to those who can help you along the way. }

{So look for those around you who may be those "extra advisors" in your life and be praying that God would lead you to those who can help you along the way. }
30 Day Challenge: Day 4, Part 2
Here is the "sweet" video as promised. To see the post from yesterday (and my confession) click here.
{The Challenge: today, choose to say "I love you" over "Will you please just listen to me" (as you show him more pictures of cakes, bows, glitter etc.).}
{The Challenge: today, choose to say "I love you" over "Will you please just listen to me" (as you show him more pictures of cakes, bows, glitter etc.).}
30 Day Challenge: Day 4
Confession Time + "Say Hey, I love you"
Wow, 30 days seems like a long time! I'll admit it, it's hard to want to focus on my marriage and not want to just advert my attention to cakes, dresses and decor. How many of you are agreeing with me? When I originally thought this was a good idea to do, I never pictured that it would be 30 days long. Okay, so maybe a did, but does it seem to anyone else that the month of March is just a hair too long?
Whenever I'm in the relationship funk and may not want to give it that extra oomph to talk to him I have to remind myself one thing, "I love Him". When you say that phrase it should altar you thinking, your perspective even on your relationship and "having to deal with that man who for the eighteenth time has said 'I don't care' when you ask him about the cake flavor.
I not only just "love him" but I have chosen to love every bit and part about him, even the things that tick me off. {So today, choose to say "I love you" over "Will you please just listen to me" (as you show him more pictures of cakes, bows, glitter etc.).} Honestly there is only one thing he'll care about that day, you. So make it worth it now by sweetening your pre-married momemts together with "I love you"s.
For some inspiration I'll leave you with a video with a really great dance beat.
{Check back tomorrow for a sweet romantic one! }
30 Day Challenge to Marriage Plan vs. Wedding Plan: Day 3
Day 3: Cook HIS favorite meal.

A few other tips:
1.) Dress up, make it special.
2.) Make dessert something shareable (chocolate covered strawberries is a personal favorite of ours).
3.) Don't expect anything in return. (This may be the most important lesson of all)
Let me know how it goes :) What recipes did you make? I'll be looking for your comments!
Weekend Recap: Here's what you missed
On Friday I began my 30 Day Challenge to Marriage Plan instead of Wedding Plan.( A scary move, I know). Here is what I've done so far. Are you joining me? Let me know in the comments below! :)
It doesn't have to be extravagant, you could go to a local coffee shop and talk the night away or dress up and have a cozy dinner at home. Be intentional about asking past "how was your day?" and what did you do today?". It's okay to ask about "emotional stuff" with your soon-to-be husband. Date Nights are great for re-connecting and re-kindling during a stressful season of wedding planning.
{Long Distance Lovers Like Myself: Virtual Date Night is AWESOME! Get on Skype, eat dinner together and then watch your favorite movie ♥ }
Day 2: X to TEXT
Make it a challenge/priority to NOT communicate via text with your boyfriend, soon-to be, husband call them instead or even better-talk to their face.
The easiest way that my soon-to-be husband and I get into fights is through a miscommunication via text. Now, I'll admit not texting him is a TRUE sacrifice for me I'll let you know how it goes. I probably send him on average 2-300 texts per day. Are you going to do it to? Join me and leave me a comment if you are!
Day 1: Date Night

{Long Distance Lovers Like Myself: Virtual Date Night is AWESOME! Get on Skype, eat dinner together and then watch your favorite movie ♥ }
Day 2: X to TEXT
Make it a challenge/priority to NOT communicate via text with your boyfriend, soon-to be, husband call them instead or even better-talk to their face.
The easiest way that my soon-to-be husband and I get into fights is through a miscommunication via text. Now, I'll admit not texting him is a TRUE sacrifice for me I'll let you know how it goes. I probably send him on average 2-300 texts per day. Are you going to do it to? Join me and leave me a comment if you are!
{CAUTION: Please let your significant other know that you are choosing to not text them but instead calling/physically talking to them in case they get worried that something is wrong. }
30-Day Challenge to Marriage Plan vs. Wedding Plan: Day 2
Day 2 of 30. Here we go.
Make it a challenge/priority to NOT communicate via text with your boyfriend, soon-to be, husband call them instead or even better-talk to their face.
The easiest way that my soon-to-be husband and I get into fights is through a miscommunication via text. Now, I'll admit not texting him is a TRUE sacrifice for me I'll let you know how it goes. I probably send him on average 2-300 texts per day. Are you going to do it to? Join me and leave me a comment if you are!
{CAUTION: Please let your significant other know that you are choosing to not text them but instead calling/physically talking to them in case they get worried that something is wrong. }
Make it a challenge/priority to NOT communicate via text with your boyfriend, soon-to be, husband call them instead or even better-talk to their face.
The easiest way that my soon-to-be husband and I get into fights is through a miscommunication via text. Now, I'll admit not texting him is a TRUE sacrifice for me I'll let you know how it goes. I probably send him on average 2-300 texts per day. Are you going to do it to? Join me and leave me a comment if you are!
{CAUTION: Please let your significant other know that you are choosing to not text them but instead calling/physically talking to them in case they get worried that something is wrong. }
30-Day Challenge to Marriage Plan vs. Wedding Plan: Day 1
This has been something I have battled with since the ring came on my finger. Now it is time to kick this habit in the face!I'm sure I am not the only one to fall victim to planning my wedding over planning my marriage (ladies, feel free to raise a hand). So...over the next 30 days I will give you tips, insights and inspiration as I make it a priority to marriage plan instead of wedding plan. Check back daily for a new post! And don't worry, I'll stick in some wedding inspiration because hey, we need a little bit of the pretty too ;).
Day 1: March 4, 2010
{Long Distance Lovers Like Myself: Virtual Date Night is AWESOME! Get on Skype, eat dinner together and then watch your favorite movie ♥ }
For All the ways to ensure you plan your marriage just as much as you plan your wedding click here
Day 1: March 4, 2010
Date Night
It doesn't have to be extravagant, you could go to a local coffee shop and talk the night away or dress up and have a cozy dinner at home. Be intentional about asking past "how was your day?" and what did you do today?". It's okay to ask about "emotional stuff" with your soon-to-be husband. Date Nights are great for re-connecting and re-kindling during a stressful season of wedding planning. {Long Distance Lovers Like Myself: Virtual Date Night is AWESOME! Get on Skype, eat dinner together and then watch your favorite movie ♥ }
For All the ways to ensure you plan your marriage just as much as you plan your wedding click here
Shhh Budget! Wedding Ideas on the Cheap
I have to admit I am a self-diagnosed addict to wedding blogs! I have been even before I had gotten engaged and for that I am thankful! It has helped my craftiness tenfold! Who says that just because your having a "cheap" wedding it can't be exactly what you want? We are operating on a $7,000 budget and though we are cutting it close we still are making it uniquely ours. After All, isn't that the point?
Here are a few of the blogs that I love as well as a mixture of photo inspiration from them:
The Knotty Bride
LaBelle Bride
Style Me Pretty
The Sweetest Occasion
{Show them love and visit their sites today. You'll be as inspired as I always am!}
Here are a few of the blogs that I love as well as a mixture of photo inspiration from them:
The Knotty Bride
LaBelle Bride
Style Me Pretty
The Sweetest Occasion
{Show them love and visit their sites today. You'll be as inspired as I always am!}
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{From The Knotty Bride} |
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{Compliments of LaBelle Bride} |
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{via Style Me Pretty} |
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{From Ruffled} |
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{From The Sweetest Occasion} |
A Leap of Faith & How-To of Decisions: Day 2
Probably one of the harder parts of starting a life together is figuring out the where, what and how?When we had gotten engaged on August 11, 2010 it wasn't exactly the first thing on our minds. For those of you keeping track this is a 14 month engagement! Not ideal, but hey we're making it work. 2 weeks after he proposed I packed up everything I owned and moved 17 hours to Orlando, Fl. I know, I must be crazy right! You're thinking "You just get proposed to and you move across the country!?" So let me begin with my explanation which will lead you to where we are today and the decisions we face and how we deal with them.
{Don't forget to check out the How-To Section for Decision -making tid bits! }
I am a Christian who was saved by the amazing grace given to me through my Savior dying on the cross for my sins and for that I am soo grateful. I live to tell others about this amazing gift and love of Jesus Christ. When I was in college I had gotten involved with an organization called Campus Crusade for Christ. As I was nearing the end of my Senior year, I felt a sense that I should take my love and passion for Christ along with my love of and skills in communication and make it my career.
Which leads me to my present. I currently serve in Orlando, FL at Campus Crusade for Christ World Headquarters as a one year intern. I am able to take my skills in communication and social media and passion for seeing others come to know Christ and witness great things happen through Christ working through me! I'm sure you'll hear more about my job later by that's the brief version.
The future. Oh yes, the future. My fiance and I are preparing to join full time staff and with that comes options. We definitely are not short of options here at Campus Crusade for Christ which is great, but how do you determine where and how. As we trek through this adventure together I will let you know how the process is going and what worked and didn't.
{Leave a comment on what works and doesn't work for you when making decisions as a couple}
Here are some of the things we have found vital when making decisions as a couple:
1. Communication: It sounds like a no-brainer but TALK! Never assume what you're partner is thinking and be open about your thoughts and feelings.
2. Replace "You" statements with "I": This has been a HUGE help in our relationship! I have found that whenever I am feeling a certain way about a situation the word you feels like the world's biggest finger being pointed at me and most likely your partner feels the same. Don't start out with "Well you always want to do x" but instead say "I am feeling like this is an issue between us that WE need to work out". The blame went from your partner to you both wanting to grow in your relationship. Try it out for a week, it will be a blessing to your relationship!
3. Prayer: Commit to praying about your situation daily.
4. Seeking Godly Counsel: Ask others around you who are removed from the situation that are able to give different insights. Don't just go up to anyone but rather someone who's counsel and advice you'd actually trust and listen to.
5. The Bible: For those of you that seem like I am being "uber religous" by suggesting prayer and reading of a Bible, try it. I have found great comfort, peace and advice from being able to spend time in my Bible and praying. It helps me to approach situations in a new way. However, avoid opening it up and reading one verse out of context that is not the best approach.
6. Logic: At some point logic comes into play. This is also a great thing to consider. What makes sense, what is in place already are great questions to answer and consider when making decisions.
{Don't forget to check out the How-To Section for Decision -making tid bits! }
I am a Christian who was saved by the amazing grace given to me through my Savior dying on the cross for my sins and for that I am soo grateful. I live to tell others about this amazing gift and love of Jesus Christ. When I was in college I had gotten involved with an organization called Campus Crusade for Christ. As I was nearing the end of my Senior year, I felt a sense that I should take my love and passion for Christ along with my love of and skills in communication and make it my career.
Which leads me to my present. I currently serve in Orlando, FL at Campus Crusade for Christ World Headquarters as a one year intern. I am able to take my skills in communication and social media and passion for seeing others come to know Christ and witness great things happen through Christ working through me! I'm sure you'll hear more about my job later by that's the brief version.
The future. Oh yes, the future. My fiance and I are preparing to join full time staff and with that comes options. We definitely are not short of options here at Campus Crusade for Christ which is great, but how do you determine where and how. As we trek through this adventure together I will let you know how the process is going and what worked and didn't.
{Leave a comment on what works and doesn't work for you when making decisions as a couple}
Here are some of the things we have found vital when making decisions as a couple:
HOW-TO: Make Decisions without a Fight.
2. Replace "You" statements with "I": This has been a HUGE help in our relationship! I have found that whenever I am feeling a certain way about a situation the word you feels like the world's biggest finger being pointed at me and most likely your partner feels the same. Don't start out with "Well you always want to do x" but instead say "I am feeling like this is an issue between us that WE need to work out". The blame went from your partner to you both wanting to grow in your relationship. Try it out for a week, it will be a blessing to your relationship!
3. Prayer: Commit to praying about your situation daily.
4. Seeking Godly Counsel: Ask others around you who are removed from the situation that are able to give different insights. Don't just go up to anyone but rather someone who's counsel and advice you'd actually trust and listen to.
5. The Bible: For those of you that seem like I am being "uber religous" by suggesting prayer and reading of a Bible, try it. I have found great comfort, peace and advice from being able to spend time in my Bible and praying. It helps me to approach situations in a new way. However, avoid opening it up and reading one verse out of context that is not the best approach.
6. Logic: At some point logic comes into play. This is also a great thing to consider. What makes sense, what is in place already are great questions to answer and consider when making decisions.
campus crusade for christ,
decision making,
Welcome!: Day 1
7 months and one week. The countdown until my wedding day. October 8, 2011. While I get through the panic of how close it's becoming I realized that there are a lot of women out there doing the exact same thing, planning a wedding. However, it's more than a wedding that I'm planning, it's a marriage! That may be the scariest part. I'm okay with screwing up my wedding; the marriage part, not so much.
I hope you enjoy my blog as I post daily my struggles, triumphs, how-to's, tips and encouragements as I get to the wedding day and beyond into our future. Consider Strategic Sweet your go-to guide on everything from the day he proposes to the day you experience your first baby. I'll be there with you every step of the way. We can do this together.
I hope you enjoy my blog as I post daily my struggles, triumphs, how-to's, tips and encouragements as I get to the wedding day and beyond into our future. Consider Strategic Sweet your go-to guide on everything from the day he proposes to the day you experience your first baby. I'll be there with you every step of the way. We can do this together.
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