
And you are calling me because? - Heart check.

So we have moved past this Bridal Shower scheduling thing to only have more complications. It seems to be a story in my life with this wedding planning. It's beginning to take the joy out of it for me. Anyway, I had changed my bridesmaid dresses once the girls started to get measured - not because I'm picky but because they jacked up the price of them at the bridal shop and I didn't want my girls to have to pay that much.

Here is what we have:

Anyway, the shop called me yesterday to tell me what girls still needed to pay them. They aren't exactly the nicest dress stop to work with so that wasn't helpful! I don't understand why when they have the girls names and numbers that it's my job to call and remind them. Better yet, why are you calling me just to tell me what girls haven't? Is this normal?

While I was beginning to get perturbed I thought "In what ways am I being like Christ in this situation?". Chewing them out, talking badly about them etc. was not going to change that they had called me, and if I did that - I wouldn't be showing them Christ's love. I had to give my heart a big check. And while I'm aware that this post may have been my chance to vent and may even give you a bad picture of the situation I felt that it was necessary for you to see what had happened on this journey to end at this conclusion.

Thanks for reading! More to come :)


I guess that's reality

Planning is stressful. I'm someone who likes to plan and know the details, even the tiny minuscule ones, so it's hard when I have to altar them. And c'mon it's my wedding! Every detail from the ring to the honeymoon has in some way be envisioned in my mind since I was 7! Asking me to change these ideas and dreams would be like asking me to remove a band-aid, quick and painless from the outside but still feeling very raw and odd on the in.

My current battle...my bridal shower. I come up with a date that works and then it doesn't. I know that I don't have to please EVERYONE but I would like to please the majority so that most people can attend. I guess "real" wedding planning doesn't happen like the movies. Can't I just have someone like David Tutera show up and tell me it's all going to be okay and taken care of for me so I can enjoy my day!?

Any encouragement for me out there?

In other news, my fiance and I will no longer be 17 hours apart as of 2 weeks! We'll see how the "normalcy" of living near each other goes. I'll keep you posted ;)


Is it pleasing to those

As an engaged woman who is in love with her Saviour Jesus Christ,  it is sometimes hard for me to not see God's intervening in my life and relationship with my soon-to-be. God has blessed me and even though we have our moments where I think to myself "God, where are you?! We aren't supposed to fight" I stop and remember. I am an unperfect person in love with an unperfect person who is LOVED unconditionally by God. I am thankful for God's love for me, one that isn't concerned with performance.

However, I am saddened by the reality that for some this is a hard truth to swallow. As women in a relationships (married, engaged, or just beginning to date) we are bombarded daily and hourly by what society and our sphere of influence and even our lover says we should be. We feel the need to stick in relationships that may not be fully pleasing or honoring to ourselves, our family or God because the status quo says so and our mind believes the same.

Where is this coming from? you may ask. I used to be that girl and for the past 10 years I have watched family, friends and myself suffer in relationships that are not true to who God has made myself and these amazing women to be. It was only through recognizing my own need to accept and be okay with the fact that God loves me, without reason, task or accomplishment that I began to see these relationships as not helpful, hurting and all together unhealthy for me.

So I ask you. Is your relationship pleasing to those around you? What needs to change?


I have blog-reading fever! Let the search begin!

Okay ladies! 5 months left to go! But the inspiration doesn't have to stop. I'm looking for any unique blogs that cover being engaged, weddings, life after the wedding, being a newlywed etc. oh and one's that do it on a budget! I'm looking for a blogging community that I can seek wisdom from in the days ahead. Do you know of any? Let me know in the comments or @CMatlick on Twitter!
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